Hi, I’m Wren!

i use it/he/they and am an artist of various fandoms. my social media links and pronoun page are gathered here




transmascdumbass *


Please DNI if:
- homophobic
- bi/pan/omni/poly or ace/aro exclusionist
- transphobic (nonbinary people are included under the trans umbrella)
- LGB drop the T or similar
- transmedicalist, gender critical, terf, swerf
- racist / if you disagree with Black Lives Matter, Stop Asian Hate, or any similar statements/phrases/etc
- ableist
- if you think human rights should be conditional. housing, clean water, food, medical care, and bodily autonomy, among other things, are human rights
- if you say slurs you cant reclaim
- if you think polyamory is “cheating” and monogamy is the only “real” relationship model
let’s talk! i’d love to have a conversation <3

* (i couldn’t figure out a way to link it, so search my username on discord to find me lol)